As an elected European Reference Sited of EIPonAHA we are committed to empowering people to maintain independence and support active, enriched lifestyles in their own home for as long as possible. DURUS DH-300 designed for Independent Living and includes all the latest technologies.
DURUS DH-300 provides:
• Support for friends and family
• Prevent avoidable hospital admissions
• Reduced total cost of care
• Improved efficiency for care in the community service
• Patient empowerment and self-care
DURUS DH-300 includes many features and we are constantly adding more. Some of the main ones are:
Single sign-in from ATLAS into P2PV system. Import and review session documents or medical data into patient folder.
P2PV integrates remotely all the telemetry services, supported by medical devices such as examination cameras, spirometers, stethoscopes, vitals monitoring devices, otoscopes, ECGs, and more, into the telemedicine encounter.
Doctors can have complete overview of any performed diagnostic actions on the patient side, during a session. Remote Session overview is ideal for procedures with limited medical surveillance on patient site and any other case which seeks to limit application errors by the patient.
Accept direct credit / debit card payments, in a safe and easy manner, through secure third-party merchants.
Get access to patient electronic folder during a session, review Family / Medical History, write reports / prescriptions, review imaging and lab exams. interact with other Collaborators and many more.
Perfect for long-term care facilities, public spaces, and correctional facilities, our hardened, tamper-proof integration (ATLAS, DURUS, P2PV) can be securely bolted to a fixed platform, and facilitate innovative telemedicine sessions.